In this post I will describe how I setup google analytics, google adsense and search in this jekyll blog.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics allows you to track who is acessing your website.

Go to Google Analytics Website, login and add a new account. Its in Admin, accounts -> create new account.

Then grab your tracking code, and put it somewhere in your page.

In my case, I pasted it right before the </body> tag

After a couple of minutes you should be able to see that you have been confirmed, and google analytics will grab all the statistics about your website.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense allows you to create ads / publicity in order to have monetization (money) when users click on it.

Go to Google Adsense Website and login.

Click on “My ads”, and “+ New ad unit”.

Input a name for the ad, and for Ad size chose one that fits better for your needs. I recommend using the responsive one.

Then click on “Save and get code”.

Then copy the code and put it in a div element in your website that will contain the ad.

For the responsive ad, I will fill the whole size of the div.

In jekyll

In the jekyll blog, create a div in the desired layout, and just paste the code provided by google adsense.

There is a sample code in here, its the code I added to enable google stuff in this blog.