Reverse a string is a common exercise and this is a simple Java solution

The algorithm is:

  • Split the String into an array with all the characters
  • Reverse the array
  • Join the array again
public static String reverse(String s1){
            return null;
        List<String> charList = asList(s1.split(""));
        return String.join("", charList);


public void reverse1(){
    String entry = "ABCDEF";
    String expected = "FEDCBA";
    String result = StringReverser.reverse(entry);
    assertEquals(expected, result);

public void reverseNull(){
    String entry = null;
    String expected = null;
    String result = StringReverser.reverse(entry);
    assertEquals(expected, result);

public void reverseEmpty(){
    String entry = "";
    String expected = "";
    String result = StringReverser.reverse(entry);
    assertEquals(expected, result);

Source code: Reverse Class Source code: Reverse Test