The Pragmatic Approach to API Versioning and Lifecycle Management In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, APIs stand as the bedrock of functionality and service integration. However, as business requirements shift and technologies advance, APIs must also evolve. This brings us to the critical topic of API versioning, a subject that intertwines with the broader API lifecycle, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and the standard support timeframes. Let’s unpack these concepts in a straightforward manner, ensuring we’re on the same page with industry best practices. API Versioning: Embracing Change Responsibly API versioning is the method by which we introduce changes...
Posted on Nov 7, 2023

  Decoding HTTP Status Codes In the world of REST APIs, two elements are crucial for ensuring smooth communication between client and server: status codes and resource naming. These are not just technical necessities; they are the backbone of a well-structured API. Let’s explore these aspects with a focus on practicality and clarity, drawing from established practices in the field. Use of HTTP Status Codes HTTP status codes are the universal language of the web, indicating the result of a client’s request to the server. They are the API’s method of providing feedback, and using them correctly is essential for...
Posted on Nov 7, 2023

  Simple Retry Mechanism   The simplest way to retry an asynchronous operation in Spring Boot is to use a for loop to try the operation a certain number of times. Here’s an example:   @Service public class MyService { @Async public CompletableFuture<String> doSomethingAsync() { // time-consuming operation return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Done"); } }   @RestController public class MyController { @Autowired private MyService myService; @GetMapping("/retry") public CompletableFuture<String> handleRetryRequest() throws InterruptedException { int retries = 3; for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++) { try { CompletableFuture<String> future = myService.doSomethingAsync(); String result = future.get(); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(result); } catch (Exception e) {...
Posted on Oct 18, 2023

  Add the CloudWatch dependency to your pom.xml file:   <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>aws-java-sdk-cloudwatch</artifactId> <version>1.11.976</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-core</artifactId> <version>1.5.5</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-registry-cloudwatch2</artifactId> <version>1.5.5</version> </dependency>   Add the following bean definition to your Spring Boot application to create the cloudWatchAsyncClient bean:   @Bean public CloudWatchAsyncClient cloudWatchAsyncClient() { return CloudWatchAsyncClient.builder().build(); }   This will create a new CloudWatchAsyncClient bean that can be used to send metrics to CloudWatch.   Configure the metrics registry to send metrics to CloudWatch by adding the following to your file:   management.metrics.export.cloudwatch2.namespace=spring-boot-metrics management.metrics.export.cloudwatch2.enabled=true management.metrics.export.cloudwatch2.batchSize=1 management.metrics.export.cloudwatch2.cloudWatchConfig.namespace=spring-boot-metrics management.metrics.export.cloudwatch2.cloudWatchConfig.cloudWatchClient=cloudWatchAsyncClient This will configure the metrics registry to export metrics...
Posted on Feb 20, 2023

  In a world where time is a valuable resource, responsiveness is a key feature of any successful application. As a developer, you might face challenges when it comes to processing time-consuming operations, such as calling external services, processing large amounts of data, or running complex calculations. In such cases, using Spring Async can help to improve the performance and responsiveness of your Spring Boot application. In this blog post, we will explore how to use Spring Async in a cool way to achieve parallelism and improve the user experience of your Spring Boot application.   What is Spring Async?...
Posted on Feb 17, 2023

  Introduction   Debugging code in Project Reactor can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, you can quickly identify and fix any issues that arise. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through some best practices and techniques for debugging code in Project Reactor using Java, with plenty of code examples to illustrate each point. Before we dive in, let’s start with a quick overview of Project Reactor. It’s a powerful library for building reactive applications in Java, based on the Reactive Streams specification. It provides a set of powerful abstractions for working with asynchronous and event-driven...
Posted on Feb 15, 2023

Introduction   Before we dive in, let’s first understand what OAuth is and why it is important. OAuth is an open standard for authorization that allows users to grant third-party access to their resources without sharing their passwords. It is used by many popular websites, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter, to provide secure access to their APIs. Now, let’s get started with integrating Spring Boot with Google OAuth authentication.   Set up a Google API Console Project   To use Google OAuth authentication, you need to set up a Google API Console project. Here’s how: Go to the Google API...
Posted on Feb 15, 2023

Introduction As a Java developer, you know that efficient memory management is the key to unlocking top-notch performance for your applications. But simply relying on the garbage collector won’t always cut it. To truly optimize your code and take your programming skills to the next level, you need to master advanced memory management techniques. In this epic blog post, we’re going to show you how to tap into the full power of Java memory management. We’ll take you on a journey through some of the most cutting-edge techniques for memory optimization, complete with code examples that will help you see...
Posted on Feb 12, 2023

Introduction Java is the language of legends, powering everything from your favorite mobile games to mission-critical enterprise systems. But let’s face it, even the most seasoned Java developers can always use some tips to level up their game. So grab a Mountain Dew, fire up your IDE, and get ready to become a Java rockstar with these 10 killer tips. Learn from the masters Want to be the best? Learn from the best. Hit up the hottest Java blogs and follow the Twitter feeds of the biggest names in the biz. You’ll get the inside scoop on the latest trends,...
Posted on Feb 10, 2023

Why? One common thing I have on my projects is when the application scales up some kind of async processing needs to be done. The steps for this are usually: Check the request for proper Authority and Roles Request is Validated The request is put into some queue (JMS, RabbitMQ, Pubsub) and an uuid for this request is given to the client Some other background process (or even application) reads from the queue and process it The response is sent to a response queue The client fetches the response using the uuid I always hated is setting up the queueing...
Posted on Aug 16, 2020