Lets say you have an interface in Golang, and for some reason you want to cast it.

How do we do that?

var myVar interface{}
myVar = secondVar.(string)

But what happens when myVar is not a string?

Well, this happens:

  panic: interface conversion: interface is int, not string

The program does a panic and the whole executable exits and shutdown.

Luckily, there is a safe / safer way to avoid system panic when casting in GoLang:

var firstVar interface{}
firstVar = "this is a string"

firstString, ok := firstVar.(string)

if (!ok) {
	fmt.Printf("firstString is not a string, do something about it! Value:'%v'\n", firstString)

Now, if its not a string, an message will be printed in the console or you can input a default value for it.

Lets create a small test code to check the result:

var firstVar interface{}
var secondVar interface{}
secondVar = 10
firstVar = "this is a string"

firstString, ok := firstVar.(string)

if (!ok) {
	fmt.Printf("firstString is not a string, do something about it! Value:'%v'\n", firstString)

secondString, ok := secondVar.(string)

if (!ok) {
	fmt.Printf("secondString is not a string, do something about it! Value:'%v'\n", secondString)

And the output is:

secondString is not a string, do something about it! Value:''

The code

Check the sample code in: https://github.com/mussatto/golab/tree/master/cast